Causes and treatment of back pain in the lower back

Back pain in the lumbar region is a common symptom that accompanies various pathologies.

Back pain in the lumbar region may indicate various diseases of the spine, disorders in the connections of nerve structures, injuries to internal organs, soft tissues and oncological tumors. Pain syndrome can vary in intensity and nature of manifestation. Depending on the type of pain that occurs, the pathology can be identified, but to obtain an accurate diagnosis, an examination is carried out, including instrumental diagnosis. This allows you to find out why the pain occurs. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects treatment.

Types of pain

Back pain in the lumbar region may indicate the development of serious pathologies. But in most cases, the discomfort is benign and is associated with the influence of several external factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • compression of blood vessels;
  • soft tissue damage due to trauma.

When diagnosing back pain, the doctor pays attention to the nature of its manifestation and duration. If the pain occurs due to a cold or simple hypothermia, it will completely disappear 2 weeks after using ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. They won't help cure the disease, but after them it doesn't hurt to get moving.

If the pain in the spine does not go away, despite the use of local medications, and sometimes intensifies, a complete examination is necessary. In some cases, such a symptom is an alarming sign that indicates the development of dangerous diseases. In spinal diseases, at the time of the crisis, pain can radiate to various areas of the body: leg, arm, groin. Often this attack is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the body: a feeling of numbness, tingling, chills, burning.

In most cases, pain in the lower back occurs suddenly, is sharp and resembles low back pain (lumbago). Patients themselves describe the pain as sharp, sharp, sometimes oppressive and less intense. At the time of an attack, the person's movements are restricted and it is only possible to straighten the lower back through pain. Movements do not bring relief and sometimes cause increased pain. The acute condition may last only a few minutes, but sometimes persists for a day or more.

Women and men over 50, as well as people who have suffered serious injuries, experience chronic pain in the lower back. In this case, it is constant, but tolerable, patients note only slight discomfort, mobility stiffness in the morning and pain in the evening. Chronic pain attacks can be triggered by stress, heavy lifting, or hypothermia. The rest of the time there is no pain, there is stiffness and discomfort.

Lower back pain in pregnant women

Women often experience lower back pain during pregnancy. Its occurrence is associated with natural changes. As the fetus grows, around the second trimester of pregnancy, there is a change in the center of gravity, causing deformation of posture with deflection in the lumbar region. This change is not dangerous, it occurs abruptly in more than 70% of women, but it needs to be monitored as it can cause serious health problems in the future.

During pregnancy, no special treatments are carried out. To ease the intensity of painful attacks, a doctor may recommend that a woman take NSAIDs topically. In some cases, the use of support structures is recommended to ensure adequate distribution of the load on the spine.

Regular rest will help a pregnant woman relieve back and lower back pain

Furthermore, pregnant women should not neglect the general rules: they should rest regularly and avoid wearing high-heeled shoes. Be careful when bending down to pick up something. Straighten your back and straighten up, then you need to get up as slowly as possible. You should also pay attention to choosing a bed at home, it must be comfortable.

Pain at night and in the morning

If intense discomfort bothers the person mainly at night and occurs in the morning shortly after waking up, the problem should be looked for in the quality of nighttime sleep. The manifestation of acute painful sensations is associated with incorrect body position at night during the rest period. The first thing you need to do at home is replace your mattress, bed and pillow. It would be nice if the bed was orthopedic.

If the pain is only observed in the morning, it is worth considering the possibility of making sudden movements when waking up. It is best to wake up early and gently warm up your muscles and joints while lying in bed. By performing these exercises regularly, you can forget about the manifestation of pain. It will be much easier to bend over and the feeling of stiffness in your back will disappear. It will be easier to get up after warming up.

It is also worth considering that the spine and lower back suffer from excess body weight. The problem of back pain occurs more frequently in obese individuals, as well as in patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle. After normalizing behavior and improving the quality of night rest, periodic pain disappears if it is not associated with any disease.

Lower back pain radiates to the leg

Pain that occurs in the back can radiate throughout the body. It most often radiates to the leg, and may involve part of the foot and reach the heel. The cause of the pain is sciatica, low back pain or radiculitis, that is, pathologies associated with damage to the nervous tissue. Due to changes in the structure of the cartilaginous tissue, leading to deformation of the vertebrae and the formation of osteophytes, pinching of the nerve endings occurs, against the background of acute pain attacks, radiating to the leg.

Acute pain

The duration of acute pain attacks varies. They can last from a few minutes to many weeks. Chronic pain can manifest itself imperceptibly and sharply for a person, the patient gets used to it and may not feel it when the crisis passes.

Acute, unbearable attacks of pain in the lower back are characteristic of several diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • myositis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • neurological injuries;
  • tumor processes;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • spondylitis

If the pain is sharp, it means that the roots of the spinal cord are involved in the pathological inflammatory process. If the pain seems dull, dull and spreads to the abdominal cavity, liver inflammation should be suspected. Severe attacks that disturb consciousness and cause its loss may signal urolithiasis or pyelonephritis.

Causes of low back pain

Back pain in the lower back can have different causes. Many of them lead to the development of pathologies that significantly reduce the quality of life, in which pain becomes a constant companion. Trying to cope with the problem alone is practically useless and difficult: an accurate diagnosis and the selection of competent treatment can only be made based on the results of instrumental diagnostics.

The most common causes of back pain:

  • intervertebral hernial protrusions;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • tumors;
  • damage to muscles and ligaments;
  • soft tissue infections.
To diagnose back pain in the lower back, your doctor will perform a physical exam.

Often the cause of pain is simple hypothermia, which affects the largest nerve in the human body, the sciatic nerve. Also, against the background of hypothermia, it can become compressed, which causes sharp pain. Other factors can trigger attacks:

  • physical inactivity;
  • excessive nervous tension;
  • heavy physical work;
  • damage and injuries.

Low back pain can occur with urolithiasis; they accompany an attack. They are also characteristic of many sexually transmitted diseases. Pain in the lower back in women is not always pathological. It is a physiological norm if it occurs before menstrual bleeding or at the beginning of menopause. In these cases, the conditions are not dangerous and can be controlled with the use of painkillers. With all the listed pathologies, it is problematic to move, bend or do any work around the house.

Spine diseases

The main cause of low back pain is various diseases, deformities and injuries of the spine. The pain can be of a completely different nature. The intensity of its manifestation depends on many factors and varies greatly depending on the affected part of the spine. The most common types of pain observed are:

  • periodical;
  • locations or locations;
  • pull or squeeze;
  • burning and cutting;
  • shooting.

The intensity of symptomatic manifestations may depend on stress, sitting in an uncomfortable position in a chair, playing sports and physical activity. Discomfort increases when you stand or sit awkwardly. When muscle fibers spasm, low back pain is observed and the entire area hurts. With this pain there is stiffness of movement, the symptom spreads to the back of the thigh, and can affect the calves and even the feet. Much depends on the type of disease and its nature. The pathology must be treated by a specialist.

Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernias of the lumbar region often form with osteochondrosis in the later stages of development. They usually predominantly cover the lumbar region, lower back and are formed between the 4th and 5th vertebrae, as well as in the sacral region. The pain syndrome in this case is unpleasant, intrusive, is associated with damage to the nerve roots and poor blood circulation occurs. The pain is similar to that seen in radiculitis and intensifies when you stand or sit on an uncomfortable stool. If the hernial formation is large, it compresses the spinal cord, the person experiences loss of sensitivity and, in complicated cases, paralysis is possible due to the hernia being between the intervertebral discs.

You can understand what bothers you about intervertebral hernia by the appearance of the following episodes:

  • it is impossible to stand without support on a chair or other surface, this is due to the increased load on the intervertebral discs;
  • lying on your stomach is extremely uncomfortable;
  • feeling of stiffness in the back;
  • it is difficult to lean forward;
  • Arching your back is impossible due to the pain that prevents movement.

Treatment of hernias is carried out conservatively and surgically. The appropriate method is determined depending on the patient's condition. Treating the disease conservatively in advanced cases is ineffective.


With small curvatures, pain does not appear. Feelings of tiredness may occur; the person wants to spend more time lying down, as the pain becomes stronger when standing or sitting. Several neurological disorders occur with second-degree deformities. At this stage, pain occurs, which can be moderate and moderately intense, present on the left and right. As the disease progresses, the discomfort intensifies during the day, in advanced forms it becomes unbearable and is not relieved by local and systemic analgesics. It is difficult to completely get rid of the manifestation, the curvature can be cured quickly.

With advanced curvature of the spine, pain in the lower back becomes unbearable


This disease often occurs in men and women over 50 years of age. The pathology is characterized by the rapid loss of bone tissue. Due to this loss, fragility occurs, the vertebrae become less strong and damage is possible even with minor injuries, physical exertion or heavy lifting. Patients bend over simply due to discomfort and return from the bending position with severe pain. For a person to pick up something from the floor, it is best to sit down and straighten their back and then straighten up. If you sit down first, the health risks of osteoporosis will be reduced.

Pain in osteoporosis is not just due to fractures. The disease is dangerous, it can serve to register a disability group.

Spine injuries

The most common injury is a bruise. If it is mild, there is moderate discomfort. It tends to intensify during the day with movement, causing local swelling with bruising and bleeding. The symptom always increases with movement and exercise. In severe cases, the problem not only hurts, but can be accompanied by neurological disorders, especially if nerve endings are involved in the process. It is impossible to completely get rid of the problem, it is not always possible to cure the consequences of injuries, even surgically.

Soft tissue and kidney injuries

With bruises in soft tissues, mild pain appears, which subsides after local use of anti-inflammatory compounds. The pain is always local, the injured area is swollen and bleeding may occur.

If, in combination with the described symptoms, pain in the lower back on the left is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine, it means that there is kidney damage. The discomfort will be more intense, with serious damage to the organs of the excretory system, urination is impaired or becomes impossible. Bruising may occur on the lower back. The development of shock and life-threatening conditions is not excluded.

Spinal infections

Infectious spinal injuries are more dangerous. Osteomyelitis can be:

  • postoperative;
  • post traumatic;
  • contact;
  • hematogenous.

In acute cases, the disease progresses at lightning speed. It is characterized by increasing manifestations of pain that intensify throughout the day, accompanied by high body temperature and a very strong deterioration in the general condition. The nature of the discomfort can be different: spasms, pressure, explosion. The attacks are serious, make movement difficult and force you to remain paralyzed in one position because it hurts to move. In chronic pathologies, fistulas may appear with the formation of purulent secretion.

An uncommon but dangerous disease of the spine is spinal tuberculosis. Already in the initial phase of development, it causes deep and very strong pain below, which reaches a peak after exercise. The march of men and women becomes rigid. As bone structures are destroyed, nerve roots are compressed, the pain becomes burning and spreads to the lower part of the body.

In spinal epidural abscess, the pain is quite deep, very strong, accompanied by chills and muscle tension. Against the background of progress, radicular syndrome intensifies, paresis occurs and the functioning of the pelvic organs is disturbed.

Muscle damage

Painful discomfort in the lower back can occur after physical activity, lifting weights, or performing intense exercise. It also manifests itself during prolonged stay in a static position with tension in the lower back and gluteal muscles.

With this injury, discomfort manifests itself less intensely at rest and after rest, after applying a warming ointment. Muscle damage or myositis does not only occur in the context of infections. It can be provoked by stress and body hypothermia, severe poisoning and metabolic disorders. The condition is most often accompanied by severe pain.

Myofascial syndrome

Myofascial syndrome is classified as a painful condition in which discomfort in the lower back is associated with painful muscle tension. During an attack, trigger points appear in the affected area. The sources of pain are muscles and fascia, connective tissues. To treat this pathology, experts prescribe analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and sedatives.

In some cases, it is recommended to treat the disease with centrally acting muscle relaxants. These remedies aim to reduce tonic tension, decrease excitement and cause relaxation of the muscles involved in the spasm, so that the person can bend over. In some cases, specialists resort to point blocking of points through the administration of anesthetics.

Tumors of the spine, kidneys

Tumors of the spine and spinal cord are quite rare. The frequency of detection of such diseases does not exceed 0. 5% of the total number of diagnosed oncological pathologies. Neoplasms can be benign or malignant. Depending on this, the prognosis varies significantly.

In this pathology, the distinctive symptom is pain in the lower back. With benign etiology, the discomfort is relieved with the use of medication. If the formation is malignant, treatment must be complex, often reduced to surgery.

Additionally, pain in the lower back on the left can be attributed to kidney cancer. It will have a pronounced character, it may hurt, press, burst. Discomfort increases over time and urinary disorders appear. Do not steam or apply heat to the affected area. Normalization of the condition is possible after removing the formation.

What to do after acute back pain

If sharp back pain appears for a moment, the situation can be controlled by yourself. If possible, you should visit a specialist and have an examination to reduce the risk of a recurring attack.

It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist if the following symptoms occur:

  • back pain of any nature persists for a week;
  • against the background of pain, body temperature increases;
  • discomfort manifested at the site of previous injuries and damage;
  • pain spreads throughout the body;
  • The sensitivity of certain areas is lost.
Emergency assistance is needed when body temperature rises due to lower back pain

In these cases, the pain cannot be ignored. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible and start treatment, otherwise the disease will progress.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you should consult a traumatologist or neurologist. Specialists will conduct a survey, physical examination and prescribe the necessary instrumental examination. If your back suddenly hurts, you can call an ambulance. You can use analgesic gels at home.

If you suspect that lower back pain is caused by kidney damage, see a urologist or nephrologist. You can also see a therapist. Any of the specialists will tell you what to do with lower back pain that manifests itself against the background of kidney disease, and will also prescribe additional examinations. Laboratory tests of the patient's blood and urine are required to confirm or refute the disease.

If low back pain occurs sporadically in women and is associated with menstruation or menopause, it is worth raising the matter with a gynecologist. A specialist will help you choose a treatment that will eliminate discomfort. In cases where it is necessary to clarify the origin of the pain syndrome, you should consult a therapist, family doctor or general practitioner. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the preliminary cause of the violation.


There are many factors that can cause lower back pain, so even an experienced doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis without an examination. The following methods are used as part of the diagnosis:

  • Radiographic examination of the painful area;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • electroneuromyography.

If pain occurs against the background of pathologies of the genitourinary system or gastrointestinal tract, an endoscopic examination of the intestine may be required. If there is a suspicion of the development of neoplasms in the body, a biochemical blood test is performed.


The intervention regimen required for the treatment of back pain is selected individually. The main rule is that therapy is comprehensive, including symptomatic treatment and lifestyle changes. Treatment is selected after the doctor determines the cause of the pain.

Regardless of the causes of back pain, all patients should follow these rules:

  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • lean over and straighten your back when sitting;
  • give up strenuous sports;
  • if you are obese, you should lose weight;
  • change the sleeping place, make it comfortable;
  • Perform regular minutes of physical education sitting directly in a chair or armchair;
  • light sports;
  • do not take a steam bath, do not go to the sauna, do not take a hot bath;
  • use a support bandage (as prescribed by your doctor).

For diagnosed spinal pathologies, the treatment complex also includes the following recommendations:

  1. Medicinal influence. The use of analgesics, anti-inflammatories and decongestants is recommended. Medications can be prescribed for oral administration and topical use in the form of a cream, gel, or ointment that relieves pain.
  2. Lumbar region block.
  3. Physiotherapy. Patients receive physical therapy, massage, magnetic therapy and electrophoresis.
  4. Acupuncture, manual therapy, osteopathy.

In severe cases, when conservative intervention in spinal pathologies does not produce results, surgical intervention is performed.

The information in the article should not serve as a basis for self-diagnosis and treatment, it is provided for informational purposes only. You should not take any medication without consulting a specialist.

Trying to figure out how to get rid of lower back pain and why your back hurts on your own is almost useless. It can have a different nature depending on which effective method of influence is selected. Self-medication for many pathologies is ineffective and dangerous, as it leads to a worsening of the condition.